America: Home of The Sedentary

Sedentarism: The Pandemic Inside the Pandemic It is no secret that Americans have been sedentary and are progressively moving less and less as technology advances. COVID has accelerated the rate at which Americans are sitting still by cooping everyone up in their homes for months on end. It is also no secret that the more…

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Keep COVID Off of the Holiday Menu

This will be a holiday season unlike any other any of us have witnessed. The threat of COVID infection is rising as the weather cools and it also happens to be flu season. Between these two viruses, many are questioning how they can stay safe traveling to see loved ones this year or if they…

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Simple Plyometric Progression

Introduction A plyometric exercise is any movement that incorporates the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) to increase power output (Cambridge Dictionary, 2020). The SSC has three general phases: eccentric (downward motion/force absorption), amortization (short pause between eccentric and concentric), and concentric (upward/force production). Some form of plyometrics should be a major part of any strength and conditioning…

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Running Backward to Go Forward

A Comparison of Forward vs Backward Running Sprint Training in Youth Male Athletes. – This article compares forward to backward sprint training in relation to power production in youth male athletes. Click Here To Read The Article »

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The Value of Sleep

By Lukas Smith BS, CSCS Often, coaches are asked by athlete’s and parents what is the best tool to recover from a workout or reduce the risk of injury? There are many modalities or products that claim to help athlete’s recover and, although some may actually have some benefit, these are not the first things…

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Core Stability vs Core Strength

What is the “Core”? Building a strong core has and will be one of the main focuses of the fitness community from competitive athletes to the regular joe trying to get a 6 pack for beach season. But what is the “core”? If you were to ask most people in the gym what the core…

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Strength Training Throughout the Year

By Lukas Smith BS, CSCS By this point in time it is well known that strength training can enhance athletic performance and reduce the risk of injury. The term “strength training” refers to any type of movement under load with the intention of getting stronger, faster, or more explosive. It does not strictly mean lifting…

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Isometric Platform

In this time of uncertainty with the corona virus disrupting and possibly forever changing how we train some are left wondering what they can do to maintain their training goals in isolation. If your goal is to maintain or even increase strength and hypertrophy, then isometrics can and should be an addition to traditional strength…

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